Stations of the Cross

Jesus Resurrection
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The Fifteen Mysteries
Joyful Mysteries
- First Mystery of Gozo. The Annunciation.
Pujol work of sculptors and Garcia, a marble relief Pagès i Francesc Serratosa (1896).
- Second Mystery of Gozo. The Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth.
Enric Sagnier i Villavecchia, with the sculpture of the Visitation of Venanci Vallmitjana i Barbany (1902).
- Third Mystery of Gozo. The Birth of Jesus.
The architect Josep Puig Josep Llimona and sculptor (1901).
- Fourth Mystery of Gozo. The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.
The architect Joan Martorell and the sculptor Josep Maria Barnas (1904).
- Fifth Mystery of Gozo. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple.
Joan also works Martorell, Josep Maria Barnas (1906).
Sorrowful Mysteries
- First Mystery of Pain. The Agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Work of Joaquim Codina i Matali sculptures by Josep Campeny (1897).
- Second Mystery of Pain. The Flagellation.
The architect Francisco de Paula del Villar and Carmona and sculptor Agapit Vallmitjana i Barbany (1898).
- Third Mystery of Pain. The Crown of Thorns.
Enric Sagnier i Villavecchia and sculptor Anselm Nogués (1901).
- Fourth Mystery of Pain. The Road to Calvary carrying the cross.
Joan Martorell work as a sculptor Vallmitjana Venanci (1899).
- Fifth Decade of Pain. The Crucifixion of Jesus.
The architect Josep Puig Josep Llimona and sculptor (1896).
Glorious Mysteries
- First Mystery of Glory. The Resurrection of Jesus. Works of Antoni Gaudí, Josep Renart Llimona and Dionis
First Mystery of Glory. The Resurrection of Jesus.
- Work of architect Antoni Gaudí and Josep sculptors Llimona (Christ risen) and Dionís Renart (The Three Marias) (1903-1916).
Second Decade of Glory. The Ascension of Jesus.
- Bonaventura Bassegoda work of architect and sculptor i Amigó Joseph Reynes (1903).
Third Mystery of Glory. Pentecost.
- The architect Joan Martorell and the sculptor Josep Maria Barnas (ignoring the date).
Fourth Mystery of Gloria. The Assumption of the Virgin Mary.
- Joaquim Codina i work with carved Venanci Matali Vallmitjana (1900).
Fifth Decade of Glory. The Coronation of the Virgin Mary.
- Work of Joaquim Codina i Matali Flotats sculptures by Joan (1906).