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Weinstein |
of Poetry
and Short Narrative
Joe Weinstein
Winner of the third
prize of Short Narrative
Work: Gaudí & Whitman. Fountains
of my inspiration
Born, August 15, 1953, in Newark, New Jersey, USA, fountain artist,
Joe Weinstein
grew up in and has spent his adult life in the state of Florida. Trained
as a Plasterer/Stucco
mason, with no formal art education, he has taken his knowledge of
cement products and his love of
Florida's natural beauty, and developed positive sculpting techniques
to create water features
he calls "Patio Paradise Fountains." He currently resides
in Tampa, Florida, USA.
A complete description
and photos of his work, along with contact information,
can be found at: www.Patioparadisefountains.com