Mª Teresa Pitarch i Morell
Maria Teresa Pitarch i Morell
Born in Reus the 7.VII.1930 (married and with three sons).
Doctor in Philosophy and Sciences of Education by the University Rovira i Virgili in May 1996,
-cum laude by unanimity -
"Institut Salvador Vilaseca de Reus", april 1999
-A resume of her doctoral dissertation on "The teaching given along the history of the
present building of the IES S. Vilaseca in Reus, from 1488 until 1993. –printed by the
Foundation Roger de Belfort-
"Escola Mare de Déu de Misericòrdia de Reus" -100 years of
history, June
1999. –Printed by the School-
"Empremtes de Gaudí a Reus", april 2001 -foreword by Dr
Joan Bassegoda, -printed by the Patronat Municipal de Turisme of Reus-
Reus al segle XIX fets i personatges rellevants -Prim, Fortuny i Gaudí - April
2002, printed by the Cambra de Reus and the Port of Tarragona-
"Reus Ciutat Modernista, 1900-1910" -printed in April 2003, by the Board
of Commerce of Reus.
She taught philosophy in the Gaudí Seconday School Institute in Reus,
since October 1953, and later, in thel Instituto Salvador Vilaseca de Reus, until her retirement
in September 1995.
President of the association from Reus Unió de Dones de Reus i Comarca
from December until December 2002.
She has given lectures of cultural character and has published articles in several
magazines. Ex counsellor of Caixa Tarragona, a member of its Commission of Control (until 1998).