Five High Court judges will control the AVE building Works at the Sagrada Família |
The magistrates will supervise the works on the 23rd of SeptemberFive magistrates from the High Court will visit the AVE building works in Barcelona where they pass underground at the Sagrada Família on Wednesday 23rd of September, to determine whether the tunnel works may damage Gaudi´s temple, according to a High Court spokesperson. The danger exists, claims the temple Association, who maintain their objective of bringing a halt to the building works in calle Mallorca and diverting the route elsewhere. In a ruling of 3rd July, the magistrates of the Eighth Circuit of the Chamber for Contentious Administrative Proceedings agreed to visit the building works in September. The perforation work began this summer on calle Mallorca, and therefore the judges will be able to check, in situ, the extra security measures proposed by the Ministry of Public Works to ensure the stability of the Sagrada Família. | |