Elisabeth Figa, from Barcelona,
studied publicity in the Escuela Massana and widened her studies with a master
in graphism.
She has won several prizes,
such as the third prize of the Internacional NIKON Contest in Japan, 1984.
She has taken part in joint photograph exhibitions and has exposed individually
Club de la Imatge (Barcelona)
Agrupació Fotogràfica de Catalunya (Barcelona)
Orfeó Gracienc (Barcelona)
Joanot (Barcelona)
Casal de Cultura (Prat del Llobregat)
Casal de Sarrià (Barcelona)
Has been exposed in the Sala Sant Jordi of the
Caixa de Catalunya (Barcelona)
Fotogràfica de Catalunya (Barcelona)
It can be seen in the
Casa Amatller (Passeig de Gràcia, 41 Barcelona), till March, 31st,
From May 24th tilll
June, 7th, 2003 it shall be exposed in Riudoms (Tarragona)
Thank you for your photos,