- What opinion do you have of the events which
are being organized for the celebration of the Year of Gaudí?
They have been planned with great intent. The event
commissary, Mr. Daniel Giralt-Miracle, is on hand; the presentation
was done in the Saló de Cent and was attended by 200 entities.
There will be a large exposition in the Pedrera,
which will last 4 months, with many materials from the Cátedra Gaudí;
also, many books will be published - "Mr. Gaudí", "Gaudí Master Architect",
one on gardens, edited by the UPC, another on Gaudí's houses, in collaboration
with three editorials from Spain, Italy, and France, etc.
- Do you think that these activities will promote
the study of Gaudí of that they will convert him into a superficial,
touristy figure?
He already is a superficioal and touristy figure;
remember that the works of Gaudí are visited by some million people
every year.
Now well, if on top of the publication of these
books there is an International Congress of Gaudinists, that will
draw more than solely tourists; it will draw investigators, architects,
art historians, etc. So, some deeper investigation of Gaudí will occur,
although the study of Gaudí has already advanced greatly: works which
never before known are now being discovered… when people decide to
work together, more gets done than when one choses to work alone.
- …Now that you've said what you have about new
works, could you tell us an example of a recently discovered work?
Yesterday or the day before yesterday (10th May
2001), the newspaper "El País" published an article by Josep Maria
Tarragona who has found that, in 1907, Gaudí did the decoration for
the gothic room of the Market of Barcelona, for the celebration of
the "Jocs Florals". And no one knew this! Apparently these "Jocs"
were a disaster and were hence not spoken of often.
- How do you see the future of Gaudí Study in
the University?
In today's world, there does not exist a university
in the world that doesn't have one doctorate project on Gaudí.
In the university, as there are different professors
with distinct criteria, Gaudí is being studied by different points
of view as well. This is what is so interesting! Here we can be very
rigorous and impartial, but there are others who aren't so much….
And then there are others who preach nonsense. This forms a part of
that there are many who take advantage of what Gaudí was by saying
silly things.
- Do you think there should be a specific course
on Gaudí in the University?
That is what I was doing for a few years - giving
a doctorate class on Gaudí. Now I will do it another way, for example,
I will give courses in the Excursionist Center of Catalonia.
In fact, that a specific class on Gaudí will be
explained does not really make sense. One would have to do a program,
examine the people… if they are interested in Gaudí, they should read
books, visit his works, and keep documentation of them.
I think it should be studied within the broader
History of Architecture.