Premio Gaudí de Poesía y Narración Corta 2003

Gaudí Prize of Poetry and Short Narrative 2003 Delivery Act

First prizes:

Narrative Cathegory:
Carme Guil, for "Mort al Park Güell" ("Death in the Park Güell")

Poetry Cathegory:
Pere Brosa, for "Poemes de Pedra" ("Stone Poems")

Second prizes:

Narrative Cathegory:
Esther Simón, for "Historias de otros tiempos" ("Stories from long ago")

Poetry Cathegory:
Marilyn Oliver, for "Sagrada Familia"

Third prizes:

Narrative Cathegory:
Joe Weinstein, for "Gaudi and Whitman, Fountains of My Inspiration"

Ex aequo: Bernat Galofré, for "El drac de Gaudí" ("The dragon of Gaudí")
Poetry Cathegory:
Carme Guil, for "El banc ondulant" ("The winding bench")

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III Gaudí Prize of Poetry and Short Narrative 2004

In our desire to dynamise culture and to divulge the figure and work of Antoni Gaudí, the Internet Gaudí & Barcelona Club Association convoke the Gaudí Prize of Poetry and Short Narrative 2005.


  1. The works to be presented must have a gaudinian thematic.
  2. Two categories are established: prose and poetry
  3. The works must be original, written either in Spanish, Catalan or English. They can be accompanied with illustrations, photographs or caricatures.
    The authors must be older than 18 years.
  4. The extent of the works shall be the following:
    For poetry: up to a maximum of 3 folia.
    For narrative: from 6 to 20 folia: from 3.500 to 11.600 words.
    In both cases, they must be presented typed in Arial letter, size 12, at double space.
  5. The works must be presented before the 31st of March, 2005 to:

    Gaudí & Barcelona Club
    c/ Còrsega, 366. 3r. – 08037 Barcelona

    The works can be sent by means of e-mail, registered post or personally, either in diskette or paper. In the latter case, in quintuplicate.
  6. The works shall be presented with a pseudonym, together with a closed envelope with the title of the work and the pseudonym written in it and, inside the envelope, the name, address, the e-mail and telephone of the author. In the case of being sent by electronic mail, all those data must be adjoined in a separate archive.
  7. Every author may present a maximum of two works.
  8. The jury, that will be made itself know opportunely, will be composed of acknowledged people of the gaudinian environment.
  9. The works will not be sent back.
  10. The jury may declare that the prize will not be awarded, to grant consolation prizes and will be authorised to interprete these rules and to decide everything not previewed in them.
  11. The awarded texts shall become the property of the Gaudí & Barcelona Club association, which reserves the right to publish them in its web page or in whatever suitable way.
  12. The presentation of the originals implies the whole acceptation of these rules and general conditions as well as the rights and obligations being derived by them.
  13. A first, second and third prize are established for both cathegories:

    Flight in helicopter "Barcelona from the Air"
    Park Güell pedestal Lizard
    A set of books
    CD-Rom of Gaudí and his works
    The "Amic del Temple de la Sagrada Familia" -Friend of the Sagrada Familia Temple- Card for a year, that allows to a free and unlimited access to the Temple
    Cátedra Gaudí book-marker
    Gaudiclub Pen

    Park Güell pedestal Lizard
    A set of books
    CD-Rom of Gaudí and his works
    The "Amic del Temple de la Sagrada Familia" -Friend of the Sagrada Familia Temple- Card for a year, that allows to a free and unlimited access to the Temple
    Cátedra Gaudí book-marker
    Gaudiclub Pen

    Park Güell Lizard
    A set of books
    CD-Rom of Gaudí and his works
    The "Amic del Temple de la Sagrada Familia" -Friend of the Sagrada Familia Temple- Card for a year, that allows to a free and unlimited access to the Temple
    Cátedra Gaudí book-marker
    Gaudiclub Pen

    Park Güell Lizard
    CD-Rom of Gaudí and his works
    A free entrance for the Sagrada Familia Temple
    Gaudiclub Pen

  14. The prizes will be granted coinciding with the Sant Jordi's festivity at 23th of April, 2005. The winners will be previosly informed by e-mail, so that they will be able, if they wish so, to assist to collect the prize in person.

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