What made the calçots
fun was the manner in which one had to go about eating them -
head back, mouth open, calçot raised above the face, and napkin
across the chest to shield against accidental squirts and drips.
Once the time had come to start the afternoon portion of the tour,
few were in fact ready to leave the restaurant behind. But, nevertheless,
the mighty pack trudged onward to the Torres Winery, where we
watched a video on the history of Torres Wines and the Bodega,
toured the vineyards and the underground cellars, learned about
wine-cultivating and cleaning techniques, and even got to taste
a few of the end results! As the day wound down, a few of us (myself
included!) fell asleep on the bus, while the rest enjoyed a driving
loop around the Plaza España, Montjuic, and the Olympic Stadium.
By the end of the tour, I was sad to have to say goodbye. I really
felt as though I had made 30 new friends… Thanks for a great day
everyone! I hope you like the pictures, and let's do it again
Jordan Susselman
Public Relations
| Gas
Processors Association
Convention Photo