The first to speak was Aart Oxenaar; he spoke about the architecture of Holland at the beginning of the 20th Century and how it influenced the introduction of reinforced concrete in the search for a national architecture and in the foundations of a new style. The architects of that period wanted to use the new material, but, at the same time, considered basic conservation of the traditional construction methods.
Jos Tomlow, another of the founders of the Group of "Gaudinistas" in Holland, discovered, in front of a captive audience, a series of points in common between the works and the architectural ideas of Gaudí and the Dutch Cuypers. Tomlow did this by displaying slides of buildings by these two brilliant architects of the beginning of the century.
The next lecturer was architect José Luis González Moreno-Navarro, doctorate in architecture and professor at the UPC of Barcelona, who is now directing the restoration of the crypt in the church at Colonia Güell. During his lecture, a series of images was projected to show the evolution of the construction. The series explained the project of the recuperation and the conditioning of the upper part of the flat, transitable roof from which one will be able to view the points where the church pilars were supposed to have been built, had construction not stopped in the second decade of this century.
After a short break, Jan Molema read a brief presentation by Doctor-Architect Joan Bassegoda i Nonell, who, in the end, was unable to attend the Conferences. The presentation dealt with the influence of architect J. Cuypers on Joan Rubió Bellver.