
Characteristics of Gaudi Browser

Gaudi Club Browser presents exclusive characteristics and features in addition to including all the elements and functions common to most other Browser systems.

Browser Buttons
These are the buttons or icons that allow you to access the universe of information available on the Internet and use the general functions of this browser. Next, Back, Stop, Home page, Update, Go to, Open, Save, Print, Minimise, Maximise, Access e-mail, Enlarge/Reduce fonts, Options, Close, Help

Special Buttons

These are the buttons or icons that let you access new and excellent functions that will help you to browse and let you make the most of the resources on the Internet:
the MultiWeb system, which lets you open, connect and browse at the same time with multiple websites, Graphic Bookmarks, to save and access your favourite websites directly and graphically, the Web Folder Manager, a powerful and practical file organiser for your favourite files and the AutoStart Web function, which when activated opens your favourite web pages automatically.

Direct Access Buttons

These are buttons or icons that directly access websites that Gaudi Club has selected for you and which, in addition, show how easy to use and powerful the Direct Access options are in the customised versions of Gaudi Browser.

Gaudi Browser Internet Functions

The general functions act in the same way as in any conventional browser. The special functions that are exclusive to Gaudi Browser are highlighted in cursive.

Forward   Open MultiWeb folder  
Back   Close MultiWeb folder  
Stop Graphic Bookmarks  
Home page   Add Graphic Bookmark  
Update   Delete Graphic Bookmark  
Font size   Save Graphic Bookmark notes  
E-mail   Change Graphic Bookmark description  
Print   Add Graphic Bookmark Folder  
Open file Delete Graphic Bookmark Folder
Save file   Change Graphic Bookmark Folder  
Options   AutoStart Web  
Minimize   Close Graphic Bookmarks  
Close   Web Monitor  
Help   Direct Access Buttons  
Go to Shift + mouse Shift + mouse

Description of the Functions

Forward: Goes to a web page seen before clicking on the Back button.

Back: Goes back to a web page that has already been viewed.

Stop: Stops the downloading of a web page in progress.

Home page: To go to the home page established in your Browser.

Update: Downloads an update of the selected web page.

Font size: Enlarges or reduces the font size.

E-mail: Direct access to your e-mails.

Print: Prints the page being viewed, a frame of this page or the selection made.

Open file: To open a web page saved on your Hard Disk and look through the contents to search for a page or file that you want to open from the hard disk.

Save file: Saves a web page in HTML or TXT format.

Options: Direct access to your Internet configuration in MS Windows®.

Minimize: Reduces the programme screen and is left as an icon in the lower portion of the Windows desktop. The Gaudi Browser screen can be restored to its normal format by clicking on the Windows desktop "Restore" command.

Close: To exit Gaudi Browser.

Help: User Help Menu.

Go to: Bar used for writing a web address (URL) and for accessing this address.

Open MultiWeb Folder: Opens a browser folder in a new Web.

Close MultiWeb Folder: Closes a Web browser folder.

Graphic Bookmarks: Opens the Graphic Bookmark function to save graphic web page addresses, save notes, activate AutoStart Web, and use the folder manager for your favourite pages.

Add Graphic Bookmark: Adds a new Graphic Bookmark.

Delete Graphic Bookmark: Deletes a Graphic Bookmark.

Save Graphic Bookmark notes: Saves the texts or comments of a Graphic Bookmark.

Change Graphic Bookmark description: Allows you to change the description of a Graphic Bookmark. Add Graphic Bookmark Folder: Adds a new folder.

Delete Graphic Bookmark Folder: Deletes a folder.

Change Graphic Bookmark Folder: Allows you to change a folder.

AutoStart Web: Allows you to mark and activate a selection of auto-execute web pages in your
Graphic Bookmarks.

Close Graphic Bookmarks: Closes the Graphic Bookmarks and returns to the browser screen.

Shift key + mouse: Opens a new folder from a web page link.

Direct Access Buttons: Access websites that Gaudi Club has selected for you.

Monitor Web: Shows the loading level of a web page.

Special characteristics

The MultiWeb system.

The Gaudi Browser MultiWeb system allows you to open various pages from different websites at the same time, viewing these pages and browsing through them simultaneously, as well as having immediate access to all of these pages. With this special feature you can have several pages open from different websites or, for example, from the same site that may have various links that you are interested in checking out and using. In the tab that appears at the top of the browser you will see the titles of these pages and you will be able to go through them by simply clicking on them.

Just follow the following procedures to use the MultiWeb:

Open a MultiWeb folder

To open a MultiWeb folder Move the mouse pointer to the New Folder icon and click on this icon. A new empty tab will appear. Type in the name of the website that you want to visit in the nav bar (Go to:), for example, . As you carry on browsing, you will see that the new page is being downloaded. Once downloaded, you will be able to access both pages simultaneously, clicking on the tab that you want to use. It you want to open a new page, repeat the operation, opening a New Folder and writing the name of another web address.
You can open as many folders as you want, with no more limitations other than those presented by your own computer system's resources. You can also open a New Folder from a web page by using the mouse to click on the link, while pressing the Shift key at the same time.

To close a MultiWeb folder

Click on the tab that you want to close and then click on the Delete Folder icon.

Close a MultiWeb folder

Shortcut method for opening MultiWeb folders from any link.

The MultiWeb system allows you to connect with and open new web pages by simply clicking on the link you have chosen. To open a new folder from a link all you have to do is press the Shift key while using the mouse to click on the selected web address (URL).

Quick method for opening MultiWeb folders from any link

Graphic Bookmarks.

Graphic Bookmarks or graphic markers offer you a very practical function.
Instead of having to keep a list of favourite website markers in text format, which can often create confusion and may even at times prevent you from finding what you are looking for, Graphic Bookmarks allow you to save website addresses (URLs) in graphic form. When you want to add and save a website address, the address can be saved with a simple click, which is almost like taking a snapshot of the web page.

Then, all you have to do is click on the graphic to access the selected page directly. In addition to keeping the website address (URL) reference, you can write and save your own notes or comments on your favourite pages.

Follow the following procedures to use the Graphic Bookmarks function:

Open Graphic Bookmarks

Move the mouse pointer to the Gaudi Browser Graphic Bookmarks icon and click on this icon.

The Graphic Bookmarks screen will appear. Follow the following procedures to use a saved or preset Graphic Bookmark: Click on the graphic for the selected address and you will be connected directly with the chosen web page.
Among its Graphic Bookmarks, Gaudi Browser has included a very useful selection of website addresses.

Add Graphic Bookmark

Follow this procedure to add a new Graphic Bookmark:

Type in the name of the website that you want to save in the nav bar (Go to:), for example, . Once the web page has been downloaded on your browser, open Graphic Bookmarks and click on the "+" sign (Add Graphic Bookmark). The corresponding image and name will appear and these will be saved on your browser.

Save Notes in a Graphic Bookmark

If you want to add notes or comments to a Graphic Bookmark there is also a window where you can write any texts or comments that you want.

Once you have written the text or comment, click on the symbol to save the information. The next time that you open Graphic Bookmarks you will find the address that you have saved, along with the image of the page and any notes that you may have written.

Delete a Graphic Bookmark

To delete a Graphic Bookmark, click on the Graphic Bookmarks icon, click on the address that you want to delete. You will see the image identifying the web page.
Click on the "-" sign (Delete a Graphic Bookmark) and close the window.

Change the description of a Graphic Bookmark

To change a Graphic Bookmark description, click on the Change Graphic Bookmark description icon.
Type in the new description in the change window and then click on the Change button.

Web Folder Manager

Organise your Graphic Bookmarks. The advantages of the Graphic Bookmarks can be clearly seen with
the inclusion of the Web Folder Manager, which is used to organise folders.
Using this function, you will be able to sort and manage your favourite web addresses (URLs) easily
and efficiently.

Add a Graphic Bookmark folder

To add a new folder, click on the Add Folder icon. Then, type in a name and click on Add. You will have created a new folder.

Delete a Graphic Bookmark folder

To delete a folder, click on the Delete Folder icon. Then, a message will appear, asking you if you are sure you want to delete this folder. If you are sure you want to delete the folder, click on the "Yes" button, and the entire contents of the folder will be deleted.

Change a Graphic Bookmark folder

To change the name of a folder, click on the Change Folder icon. Then, a screen will appear with the present name of the folder and a space for you to insert the new name. Type in the new name and click on the "Change" button.

Move a Graphic Bookmark to another folder

To move an address (URL) to another folder, click on the folder that contains the name of the address you want to move. Select the address, click on this address and drag it to the folder where you want to save the address. The address will now appear in the folder you have chosen.

Close Graphic Bookmarks

Click on the Close sign to exit the Graphic Bookmarks window

AutoStart Web

With the powerful and very practical AutoStart Web function, every time you run Gaudi Browser, you will be able to automatically open and connect with all the websites that you have previously selected.

This way, all you will have to do is to have this option marked in any Graphic Bookmark folder, so that when you connect to Internet the browser activates the MultiWeb system automatically, simultaneously opening all the web pages that you want to open.

For example, with this fantastic function, you will be able to pre-select your favourite web portals, one or more search engines and your web-based e-mail facility to open up automatically.
If you want to change the auto-execute function, all you have to do is deactivate the box corresponding to the address of a pre-selected web page.

Select and activate an AutoStart Web page with AutoStart Web

Select and activate an auto-execute web page using AutoStart Click on the Graphic Bookmarks button on the browser tool bar. When the Graphic Bookmarks screen has opened up, select a folder that contains a web address (URL).
The chosen address will be displayed on the screen, preceded by a box.
Click on this box to activate. A checkbox symbol will appear and indicate that the AutoStart function is activated. When the browser is run again, the selected web address will be activated automatically.

Deactivate AutoStart for a Web address.

Deactivate the AutoStart auto-execute of a web address Click on the Graphic Bookmarks button on the browser tool bar. When the Graphic Bookmarks screen has opened up, select a folder that contains a web address (URL).
The chosen address will be displayed on the screen, preceded by an activated box. Click on this to deactivate. When the browser is run again, the selected web address will no longer be activated automatically.

Direct Access buttons

The Direct Access buttons will take you immediately to the web pages that Gaudi Browser has selected of you and which, in addition, show how easy to use and powerful the Direct Access options are in the customised versions of Gaudi Browser.

Click on the Direct Access button icon and you will be connected directly with the web pages and the contents and services included in these pages. In addition, if you want to go directly to Gaudi Club Home Page, click on our logo, which you will find in the upper left-hand part of the browser.

Direct Access buttons.

Web Monitor

The Web Monitor shows the loading level of a web page.
Each time that you connect with a web page, the Web Monitor will be automatically activated, and it will show the loading level on the folder’s tab.  

  Web Monitor Red: searching the web page or link
Web Monitor Amber: loading web page or link
Web Monitor Green: web page or link loaded

The Gaudi Browser - Copyright Information

© 2001-2002, Mavinet Systems, S.L.
© 2002, Teconix, S.L.., © 2002, Solé Associats, S.L
All Rights Reserved.

This program is protected by Spanish Intellectuall Property Legislation, and the Legal Copyright protection standards, as well as European Union and International Law and Treaties on Intellectual Property and Copyright. Any unauthorized copying, reproduction, distribution, broadcast, manipulation or use of this program or any part of it, including its operating and graphic components, will lead to the appropriate legal and judicial actions allowed by law.

The products, names, denominations, logos, designs and brands and trademarks belong to their respective owners and holders of the corresponding Copyrights.

This users's guidel may not be reproduced, in full or in part, nor recorded on or transmitted by an information recovery system, in any way or by any medium, whether mechanical, photochemical, electronic, magnetic, electro-optic, by photocopy, or any other medium, without prior written permission from the authors. The products, names, denominations, logos, designs, commercial brand names and registered trademarks
belong to their respective owners and the holders of the corresponding copyrights.

Sales Contact:
Gaudí & Barcelona Club. Provenza, 519 - 08025 Barcelona (Spain)
www. -